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Echoing Bioresonance Therapy

People often wonder what Bioresonance can help them with specifically. While the focus is on finding the cause of an illness or symptom, specific testing is done to identify more acute problems. When looking to book an initial consultation please feel free to specify the areas you feel you struggle with the most.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance is a non-invasive therapy and bioenergetic analysis tool. There are many systems in the body; one of those is the energetic system. Bioresonance works with this system to help restore and harmonise cellular communication. There are many options in dealing with different conditions. The advice and treatment given follows a holistic approach rather than just targeting a symptom. The aim is not to suppress or mask a condition but rather through Bioresonance Therapy and other lifestyle changes to deal with it, instead of just targeting a symptom.

What We Do

Bioresonance Services

What happens during a Bioresonance therapy session?

Bioresonance is a very gentle therapy, but it is normal to feel a bit tired afterwards. At the beginning of each session your energy levels will be tested. From this it can be determined which basic therapy is needed to start with. This is then followed by dealing with scar and geopathic stress and helping the elimination organs, which includes the liver, lymph and kidneys. The final section of the therapy is based on what has been found during the initial test results. This is done using a Bicom Optima machine which is known to be the leading therapy device withing the industry.

Initial Consultation

90 minutes consultation in-person or remotely

In-Person Therapy

Initial consultations and therapy sessions can be booked to

Remote Therapy

Initial Consultations and Therapy Sessions can be booked onl

Mental Health

Bioreasonance therapy can aid with improved mental health.


My journey with Chronic pain and Fatigue and Bioresonance

Hello! My name is Nicole. I’m not sure exactly what has brought you here, but I would love to share my story with you in the hope that some of this will help you too! It has certainly been a journey to say the least, but let’s start from when my health showed signs of decline.

At age 14 I began experiencing nerve pain in my arms which then spread to my legs; my joints and muscles initially ached on and off, but soon were painful all the time. I was in agony with my back and my glands seemed to always be swollen. Within a period of six months, I had nerve pain all over my body and was on a lot of medication, which unfortunately brought a lot of unpleasant side effects. There would be a period of several weeks where I would struggle on and then crash. I was often asked if I had asthma as breathing at this point was even painful. People would frequently comment on how ill I looked, which although said with the best of intentions, only made me feel worse. I was not sleeping though I was exhausted and felt constantly overwhelmed and scared. I didn’t understand what was happening to my body and I felt I had no control over it either. School was getting more difficult, and doctors and hospital appointments seemed to become a normal part of life as I was transferred from one department to another. Each visit seemed to bring more questions than answers.

Something I often struggle to speak about the most was the emotional impact. Over those months I felt as if I was losing myself, what I loved to do and who I wanted to be. Each day only had one goal and that was just to get through it. Anxiety and depression were at the time things I thought of as side effects, but frankly they were just as bad as the physical pain I experienced. I felt as if I had been shoved onto a train and had no idea where I was going to end up. Sadly, things only got worse.

At the age of 15, when I was just about to start my last year of school, I experienced what I can only call a complete crash. I simply could not get out of bed. Pain wracked my whole body; I could hardly breathe, and my mother (who by this point was in affect a carer) had to carry me to the toilet, which didn’t exactly leave me feeling dignified. I didn’t leave my bedroom. It became my prison and my safe place at the same time. I had poor concentration, jumbled speech on and off, and I could barely be in someone’s company for more than 5 minutes because I was simply too exhausted. Brain fog became a permanent companion and one that caused me so much internal frustration.  I had to be helped with almost every task that would be considered ‘normal’. I couldn’t even wash my own hair. I would make every effort I could to distract myself from the pain but some days I felt I simply had no fight left.

Eventually, I was told that I had at some point had glandular fever. At last, some sort of answer! But it didn’t really explain why I had ended up where I was. Later, I was diagnosed with chronic pain (later called fibromyalgia) and chronic fatigue and was told that I would perhaps grow out of it, but then again perhaps I wouldn’t. It didn’t leave me feeling very hopeful to say the least, especially since I wasn’t seeing any improvements in my health.

There was another avenue by this point though which we had begun to explore, but truthfully was a bit sceptical of. My father had contact with a gentleman in Leeds who had a Bioresonance clinic and knowing that he and his wife had experienced results from it themselves we decided to try it.

My first experience with Bioresonance had me asking a lot of questions. I wanted to understand what it was and what I could expect from it. I remember being sat there thinking: ‘Will this really help me?’ ‘What if I get my hopes up and it doesn’t work?’ ‘What if what they find isn’t fixable?’ ‘What if they don’t find anything?’ The list really was endless. The defining moment came though when he was able to give me answers. Testing indicated that I had candida severely which was affecting my whole body. There were several fungi in my nervous system and lungs. I had bacteria in my gastrointestinal tract and around my womb (the likes of which had been giving me endometriosis type symptoms and water infections on and off). Not only was testing able to tell me these things in general terms but give me specific answers. Emotionally I felt relief. Relief that I wasn’t crazy. Relief that it wasn’t in my head, and that there was a reason why! To be clear, I wasn’t happy those things were there, I was just happy I had some answers!

From this point on, a very important process started. I knew I had to work along with the Bioresonance therapy so that I could get the full benefits. I started changing my diet, getting my sleep pattern under control, and researched different things that would help naturally while getting proper advice in how to benefit from those things. I knew that if I had any chance of improving, I had to do everything I could to get there, because I so desperately wanted to be well. You can likely imagine the relief I felt when over the months of going for Bioresonance therapy the pain started to ease, and my energy levels started to improve. I started washing my own hair. I was able to walk down the stairs and not feel like I had just run a marathon; I was able to make my own food and get dressed. I was able to leave the house a few times a week and spend time with friends. I was so happy when I finally came off all my medication and when I felt I was able to attempt to work. I then went from working 8 hours to 16 hours, to doing volunteer work that physically pushed me. Of course, the ride was bumpy. We realised with time that my body had suffered a lot of damage and the winter months always proved to be a bit of test on my body. I knew for me that Bioresonance was going to be a type of maintenance for my body but going for a 1-hour therapy session once a month was a small price to pay if it meant I could have a life and be pain free.

The year 2020 was where things got especially interesting. Up till march of that year I had been going for regular therapy sessions every 4-6 weeks but then the pandemic struck, and no one was going anywhere. Initially my body seemed to cope okay. But by October of that year my energy levels started to struggle and emotionally I did as well. Certain symptoms started to come back like sore throats and pain in different areas. Truthfully, I was scared. I realised just how much the therapy had been helping me and I wondered what I was going to do without it.

Fortunately, at this point something amazing happened. Through the generosity of family, I was able to become the owner of a Bicom Optima machine with access to training courses that would even mean I could become a therapist. At the beginning, the machine was purely intended for personal use, I wasn’t well enough to even think about using it for anything other than that. But as I was doing the training courses and slowly getting back to where I had been with regular therapy, I realised just how much I had something that could help others. More than that, I wanted to do it because I was passionate about it. It was personal to me, and I believed in it, not because someone else had told me it worked but because I had seen it with my own eyes and felt the benefits in such a big way. I realised that if it could help me then it could help anyone!

By August 2021 I began to use the machine to help others. It started off small but within several months word was spreading! Things began to grow, and I got great satisfaction from seeing others finally get answers and seeing the benefits themselves. And so that brings us to the present. It’s strange really. I never thought I would be where I am now, and I certainly never thought I would be able to help others in the way I was helped. I view it as a great privilege and it’s not one I take for granted. I certainly don’t forget all the people that helped me along the way either, whom without none of this would be possible. So, there is my story and I really hope it hasn’t bored you! Even better, I hope something in it has helped you or you know someone it could.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy browsing!



Please contact me with any questions.


    Wednesday: 9:00 am — 5:30pm
    Friday: 9:00 am — 5:30pm


    16 Gardenia Way
    TS23 2BF
    United Kingdom


    I've been for two NHS skin tests and got no results. Straight away I learnt what I need to stay away from and saw an improvement with my health of my skin! Couldn't recommend Nicole enough!




    Going for treatment has helped balance my hormones and I find it a very friendly and professional experience.




    We have found Nicole to be a very helpful and thorough clinician, who will go the extra mile to find out what is causing your health problem, which myself and my husband are very greatful for.

